[gmap api_key=”AIzaSyDkakntbRNNVnDzD2jKNKrxgqZQGx56c8o”]pawleys-island South Carolina[/gmap]
Pawleys Island Hotels
Pawleys Island Bed & Breakfast B&B
Pawleys Island Restaurants
Pawleys Island Real Estate
Pawleys Island Golf
Pawleys Island Fishing
Pawleys Island Attractions
Pawleys Island South Carolina is a 3.5 long island with a nice atmosphere. The town of Pawleys Island South Carolina is known for being simple beyond mondern convienences. Pawleys Island South Carolina is the perfect unspoiled family beach location. The earliest known inhabitants of Pawleys Island South Carolina were Waccamaw and Winyah Indians. They called the area “Chicora,” meaning “the land,” and the term is frequently used by local businesses. The Grand Strand of Pawleys Island South Carolina began to develop into a major tourist area during the 20th century. A local legend on Pawleys Island South Carolina has grown about The Gray Man, said a friendly ghost who warns of impending hurricanes. But the shoppers are not intriqued by the ghost but by the well known Pawley’s Hammocks.